“As the sunflower turns its face toward the light of the sun, so Spiritualism turns the face of humanity toward the light of truth.”


Ministerial Offerings

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Online Spiritualist Church Services

Join Rev. Julie each Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. EDT on Zoom for a traditional (well okay loosely based) Spiritualist Church Service

Service includes prayers, prayers for healing, meditation, address, music, messages



Community Support Groups

Weekly video groups for sharing, guided group meditation, group relaxation - FREE for limited time

Private Support Sessions

Via zoom or phone ( this is not an intuitive session. Sessions are to offer counsel, support, guidance, encouragement).- Sliding Scale fee


Memorial and Celebration of Life Services

Services tailored to you and your loved one

Heart warming, uplifting memorial and celebration of life services tailored to you, your family and loved ones

Serving Southwestern Vermont, NorthEastern Connecticut, Western Massachusetts and the Capital District of NY

*Virtual Services also available worldwide, for those who cannot gather due to illness, risk of illness or distance