“Healing comes when the individual remembers his or her identity — the purpose chosen in the world of ancestral wisdom — and reconnects with that world of Spirit. Human beings long for connection, and our sense of usefulness derives from the feeling of connectedness. When we are connected — to our own purpose, to the community around us, and to our spiritual wisdom — we are able to live and act with authentic effectiveness.” —
Dr. Malidoma Patrice Somé, West African Elder, Teacher, Speaker, Author. Excerpt from The Healing Wisdom of Africa: Finding Life Purpose Through Nature, Ritual, and Community
Julie MacDonald is dynamic, passionate, direct and to the point. Her down to earth personality, and engaging sense of humor take your reading experience to a whole different level.
The level of deep Spirit connection!
Julie utilizes access to many direct pathways to spirit, including your higher self. She sees this work as an opportunity to assist others in actively engaging in their future, to this end, Julie does not view herself or her services as prediction based. What she can do for you, however, is help you to see what each pathway or choice can deliver to you. She therefore, prefers to offer you a forecast, based on what terrain you are on (eg: what path you decide to take)
What is it that you desire most deeply, to ask of Spirit? Is it your desire to understand your calling to fulfill in this incarnation? Is it your desire to understand how best to fulfill your work as the parent/expecting parent, of the gifted child in your charge? Do you desire the deep understanding required to support and accomplish your mission, your medicine to mankind, and/or the mission and medicine of your son(s)/daughter(s)?
With over 20 years of experience as a counselor specializing in spiritual and experiential guidance, and a practiced multi-dimensional, channel medium, of global traditions, Julie connects to Spirit’s many forms and brings their words, their healing, their instructions directly to you!
Your readings can not only include education, career, finances, and relationships. They can transcend into your highest calling, your past lives, your spiritual path, and the mission of not only your gifted soul, but that of your child(ren), born and expecting.
An experience with Julie is like no other and can include, but is not to be limited, to the following:
Guidance in romantic and/or family relationships
Specific direction on how to meet challenges, support growth and facilitate positive interactions going forward.
Connection to and messages from your Spirit guides (e.g. guardian angels, archangels, family in spirit)
What important messages does Spirit wish to convey? Is there a relief and closure you wish to seek from a loved one safely crossed into Spirit?Spirit guided career counseling
Know the strategic steps to take that will enable you to create the fulfilling career opportunity you so deeply desire.Connection to and messages from Spirit’s many forms
Hear from nature spirits, water spirits, the faerie folk, and beings and guides from indigenous tribes across the globe. Know the messages, feel the healing, and understand the instructions they have to give to you.Parent/expectant parent counsel, both biological and foster
Every one of us begins as a spiritual being before the formation of our physical body. Every spiritual being comes into this incarnation with gifts and a purpose. As Julie connects with the “oversoul,” the true and unique spirit nature of your child(ren), you will hear directly from them. You will understand the work they are here to accomplish, and you will understand the greatest purpose you serve in guiding them and how best to support their unique characteristics and personalities.Karmic relationships and past lives
Do you find yourself repeating patterns you wish to break? Understand your soul from a perspective that surpasses time and space. Know who you were, in order to (re)shape who you are.
Readings with Julie are only limited by your imagination, your goals, your dreams, and your desires.
Dare, today, to begin to fulfill that deep desire of becoming your best version of you.